EmBodying Yourself
To follow up on the previous post - so, how is your temple doing? Are you loving it, hugging it, worshiping it like it deserves? And are you doing that daily or waiting for some better future moment to express love you hold for yourself, to yourself?
What one thing you could do today to change this for he better?
If you’re looking for the inspiration try one of those:
Say these words to the person in the mirror until you feel they are truth: I am beautiful, young, powerful, brilliant successful woman!
Look at your hands like you have never seen them before. See how amazing they are and admire them for all the great things they created in your life.
Use those powerful hands to send love to all other parts of your body. Take your time to really feel warmth spreading with each touch and end it in tight, gentle hug of your entire self.
Each day I do the words exercise, but today I’ll add the self hug one too.
Tell me in the comments what are you committed doing for yourself today, did you use any of the above and what did you add to suite you even better?